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Japanese Kids Club starting in March, 2025
Hello everyone! I am excited to announce "Japanese Kids Club" is starting on Monday March 3, 2025! While being a para professional at a preschool, I realized how quickly kids can learn so much in their early lives. When I teach them how ... -
海外にいても、自分らしくエンジョイしてる、みもざ♡です。 自分のためにお金を使えなかった暗黒時代(笑)を乗り越えて NordVPNとU-NEXTで、海外生活も楽しんでいます♪ (NordVPNとU-NEXTについては、こちらの記事もどうぞ。) ♡♡ ただいま、(昔懐かし)... -
【Particle “wo”】How to say “I eat cookies” in Japanese
Today I taught a class where we learned many particles like "wa", "wo", "de", "he", "ni" and so on. Particles in Japanese are very important, but sometimes they can be confusing. So let me explain "wo" today. "wo" is know as "object part... -
【How to say “have to” in Japanese】 There are so many way to say it! 「たべなければ なりません」or 「たべな 〇〇〇」
Hi there! こんにちは! Today I taught an advanced class where we learned how to say "have to" in Japanese. きょう、”have to”の日本語の言い方を、アドバンスのクラスで教えました。 If you learn from a text book, the standard way to say "how ... -
【Online Japanese Course】How to say “I am American” わたしはアメリカ人です。watashi wa amerika jin desu.
In our course, you will learn some basic sentences. Today let's learn how to say "X is Y" sentences like "I am American. He is Japanese." "X is Y" Sentences Let's cover basic vocabulary first. IwatashiHeKareJapanNihonJapanese peopleNihon... -
【Online Zoom Class】Japanese language course for beginners starts on Wednesday, September 25! (Dates updated)
Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese? Have you ever wanted to watch Anime without subtitles? Are you interested in traveling to Japan without translators? Is it difficult to find a good teacher in your community? Japanese Language Onli... -
Let’s learn Japanese online!
Have you ever dreamt of speaking Japanese? Have you ever dreamt of watching Japanese ANIME with no subscription? Have you ever dreamt of traveling to Japan? If so, let's start here online with us! "The clock is ticking and it's time. Tha...